Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I think it is time to apologize

Humans always tend to find out new ways of explaining what is happening to them. The important fact is that all these exercises are targeted towards the basic need to communicate, to tell the truth, to try and vindicate oneself. The need to communicate is of epic proportions in Humans.....

I guess I need to apologize for a lot of things. But first things first, You mean an awful lot to me. I have never ever cried for anybody in my whole life, I did that for you. I told you this just to set the perspective right. I don't think I was ready for the wrath that I went through, the day you left. All of a sudden I was all alone with nobody to talk to, nobody who would even remotely understand what went wrong. The whole of city seemed like a big angry mob, hell bent to alienate me and make me feel your loss. Nothing had any meaning anymore. Nothing I did was complete, there was this thing, the zing for life, missing.
I tried really hard to make it go away, But it refused to go away. I for the first time fully realized what you meant to me.

I really didn't know how to react, looked for my loss to be reciprocated by you, but found someone who had moved on, someone who had adjusted :-) For the first time I couldn't adapt to the new life.

Went berserk, tried to hurt the object of my desire, never ever even thought of harming you though, just felt like hurting you. Nothing helped.

Then when nothing helps time does :-) Just cut myself off...............

Sorry for all the times I might have made you cry, or feel sad.

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