Thursday, July 29, 2004

Dawn is not far

> Dawn is not far,
> I can feel the first rays of light
> Though not see them yet
> The wind is cold as it should be.....
> Dampness of dew is all around me
> I can almost hear the birds chirping
> Dawn is not far
> The river is flowing relentlessly
> I can see the star light in it
> Moon is somewhere beyond horizon
> I can hear some people walking
> A women returning from somewhere
> Few drunkards staggering here and there
> Dawn is not far
> The city is still sleeping
> Except for scavengers on prowl
> And some one out for nocturnal trysts
> As the dawn approaches
> Ushering in a new day
> Birds and fledglings will wake up to welcome the sun
> Sun that is source of life
> Dawn is not far
> But should I see the dawn
> Wait for another day and hope it to be new
> Maybe I would........
> Because dawn is not far.............

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