Monday, June 4, 2018

Pain so sweet

Heart in a blender
Feeling as raw as one could
seething mass of emotions
like big waves at a stormy sea
need to dive deep
away from the churn
find the pearls of wisdom
that bind us within
fickle mind treads on surface
eludes from peace to be had
to many what ifs and why nots
fight them all though I do
they keep coming back
and drown me out
I die and am reborn
with faith still intact
calm doesn't last long 
blender goes churning again
feels like purgatory of sorts
with heaven and hell in balance
give me strength give me wisdom
give me patience and let me be
show me how I can heal
give me fortitude, and gleaming hope
lift my blinds and let me run
make it bearable, this pain so sweet
for I want to live till it bears fruit