Thursday, May 11, 2006

True Lies

Are any lies true, well all lies are true in the sense that they are truly lies :-) Sounds confusing ?? Well it sure is. How many times have you lied, cummon we all lie and when we lie it becomes the truth, it becomes the truth because we want it to be the truth with all our hope.
Lies are the easiest way of getting around in this wild world. Without lies truth will not have its significance.
I personally don't think that there is anything right or wrong, it just depends on the perspective, but then for the folks who want to differentiate and make world a more habitable place for themselves, lies can be termed as the "dark side of the force". so get seduced by the dark side of the force, for truth might prevail in the end, but lies do take you a lot of places before the end :-)

~asto' ma sat gamaya


Phoenix said...

one true lie...
i dont want to know who u really are

Zyborg said...

Neither do I :-)

Ganesh said...

I thought I did.....