Sunday, May 14, 2006

Summer evenings - and why I hate them

Evenings have started to depress me, this is one time of the day which is not going anywhere, I mean night is when I go off to the land of nod, Mornings are when I look forward to the day, though often with a cynic resignation, but I do look forward to the day, afternoons are when I am waiting for the evening and evenings are when nothing seems right.
The sun is setting, all the birds are going to their nests, all the folks are see are getting ready to settle down. The worst memories of evenings are from Delhi, where as a child I would be returning home from some relatives place, in a bus packed to max, looking out of the window, seeing the gloom descend on the city. The birds screeching and vendors hawking there wares, all in an animated frenzy wanting to catch the last worm maybe.
The best evenings that I can remember were on Kaup beach off Udupi, where I sat and watched the sun set. I was relaxed and knew that is what I was there to do.
But back to gloomy evenings specially the summer ones, when it is still hot outside, bingo, I think I got my answer, I hate summer evenings for it is still hot and I believe Earth has no business being hot, once the sun goes down.

~asto' ma sat gamaya

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