Saturday, November 26, 2005

When will she fly

have hit a writers block I guess, am not finding any inspiration to write something about the world anymore, or maybe I am concentrated too much on my own world. I have to bring order to chaos somehow, bring sanity back to my life.

when will she fly
the fledgling that is a bird now
testing out her wings
tasting the first fruits of flight
leaving behind the nest
she thought would be her home for life
she is preparing for the flight
when will she fly

there is just so much hurt one can take
and she is reaching the threshold fast
heavens will cry once more
when she takes the final flight

It had rained that night
just as someone had predicted
it had poured wild
as a million angels cried
her faith was lost
and never again will she believe
things cannot last
dreams cannot come true
at least not hers
as she looks up and asks
with the eyes of a child
why me, why me, why me
the child is not yet lost
but will soon be

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