Saturday, May 28, 2005

The truth about secret garden

"So how is everything", exclaimed the princess, because the stars were no longer lit and the moon was a bit dull, and she felt that she had to be re-assured that everything was in perfect order. The maid knew the princess and knew what was wrong with the world, but she dared not to tell the princess about the uprisings in the far north and the bloodshed in west. She wanted to protect her from the misinformation for as long as she could. but now as the princess posed the question to the King himself, the maid could do nothing much but fidget around, hoping that the king would understand and won't make life tough for his daughter.
she had been born with the curse of a weak heart, she would be moved to pity by slightest of plight of people around her, she would be so pained by the sorrow of people that she won't sleep for nights altogether. It was only after the flower boy episode that the King realized the vulnerability of her daughter.
one fine day the flower boy, who used to gather flowers from the estates and then make bouquets out of them, was busy pruning the Rose bushes, when Princess happened to be in the gardens with he maid and governess taking French lessons, the flower boy heard her voice, the sweetest voice he had ever heard and he got completely transfixed by her spoken words. Even though he didn't understand what was being said, but he felt the peace he had never felt before. From that they onwards he would take special care and make loveliest of the bouquets for the princess. The most he wanted to do was meet princess once and hand her the bouquet himself. One day mesmerized by the ever blinding affection and with his inhibition reduced to nothing, he did the unthinkable.
He waited for princess to be in Garden once again, it took months for that to happen, but he never lost hope. Everyday he would go to the gardens, toil hard, and make beautiful bouquets. He started growing the reddest of the roses, he has a secret recipe for that, he would daily mix few drops of his own blood in the watering can so that the roses become as dark as his blood and remind the princess of his un-fathomable love.
After about 8 months he heard the princess again, she was walking with the King and they were discussing the spring bloom and how she loved to see the trees in bloom. His heart was pounding and he knew he had waited  so much and if he didn't go and meet her now, he might never see her again. He gathered all his courage and went towards the voices, but first he choose the darkest of red roses for his fair maiden. As he got close, he was stopped by the guards, he requested them and told them he had to see the princess, the guards laughed at him and tried to dissuade him. But he was determined and stood his ground. Hearing the commotion the King excused himself, told the princess to be where she was and approached the guards to check out what the matter was.
On seeing the boy and the flowers, the king lost his temper and ordered the guards to slaughter the boy. Two guards held the boy and the third swiftly be-headed him. The blood from the boy fell on the flowers. and he collapsed in a heap. His body was lifted and stowed away, but they forgot about the roses. Princess had heard the screaming and wailing of the boy, requesting the king to let him meet her once before he dies. Even though she had not understood what was being said and done, she had this strange sinking feeling. she ran towards the spot and saw the King standing with some guards, and just next to king lay the roses, now soaked in blood, more darker than ever.
She fainted, regained consciousness, and cried for 7 whole nights and days, she refused to eat. She didn't know what had descended on her, she could feel the sorrow, but of what, she didn't know.
on 8th when she got up, the King was sitting next to her. He looked at her and said, "don't worry I will create a paradise for you and you shall be happy then". It is then that the secret garden was born. The princess lived in this secret garden away from all sorrows and all things bad, with her maid and governess and occasional visits by the King.
She grew to be a noble woman, but still she was very soft at heart, and whatever King tells her now will shape the future of the country.....

Arise, awake and stop not, till the goal is achieved.


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