Sunday, May 15, 2005

so what

So what if life doesn't work out,<br> so what if you don't get what you aspire for<br> so what if dawn seems like the mouth<br> of a deadly dungeon<br> so what.........<br> <br> Nothing is ever gonna change and just to think that life will someday somehow work out, is the biggest of illusions that we cherish. It is going to be the same, if not worse than what it is today. And we will all keep on running and playing the wheel of fortune all through this rough bumpy ride.<br> <br> life is like that<br> <br><br>-- <br>I am one hell of a guy, I can do anything I want, only I just don't have the<br>faintest idea what.<br><br>- Zaphod Beeblebrox, in The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy<br>

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