Saturday, September 9, 2006

Thinking about it

Some one who is doomed,
his days left for counting,
how would you know his pain?
How would you know
million little deaths he dies
every moment worse than before
how he conquers his mind
body and soul
and set course on a life
waiting for death
how would you know
the battles that rage
in the middle of his heart
tearing him apart
making him think
what he did
what he wanted to do
there is no second chance coming
there is no life anymore

you will feel the pain
but once
before it all ceases to matter

~asto' ma sat gamaya


Phoenix said...

why does it matter at all
if at the end
it is sure
that it will not matter
at all

Zyborg said...

Yes you are right,
it doesn't matter at all
but to the one who might have to live through it :-)