Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Finished reading "A Million Little Pieces" yesterday. It is a memoir by James Frey on his fight against addiction. A Good book to read, I could associate myself with James. We are all addicted to something or other. All of us are addicts. What we are addicted to may be different.
Habits taken to extreme are addiction, though they might not be harmful, but they are phsycologically as alarming and as bad as drug addiction, yes I will be killing myself with drugs, but with other seemingly non harming addictions, I am essentially killing the free mind.
tea, coffee, love, sex, weakness of mind and body, food, books, music, movies, just about anything that we might take to obsession.
Biggest addiction of all times is religion and god. It is used as an alibi to deal with all other addictions. "If I trust in God, I will never do bad things, because some one is watching me, so I will be nice and try to please him" the sense of guilt kills all addicts, the fall from grace, the loss of self respect, the loss of standing in front of loved ones.
why are few addictions taboo and others all right.
If a fellow is addicted to sex and goes whoring around, he would be treated as a big misfit, not fit enough for the society
whereas addiction to food is alright is some ways, Obsessive need of parents to control and shape the future of kids is perfectly OK.
Doing drugs is bad, but becoming a zealot for religion is OK as long as we are not violent.

Cummon man I don't see this working, I really don't see this working. how can one form of addiction be better than another, It is all the same.

~asto' ma sat gamaya

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