Monday, January 30, 2006

The eternal truth

bad shape is relative to good shape
confusions happen because we are weak
illusions occur because we don't want to believe

me says
hope depresses because we don't trust
nothing helps, because we don't want to be helped

me says
nothing lasts because that is the only truth
we are unhappy because we want to live in fallacy
make believe helps, but just in short run
expectations hurt for they are evil
evil rules for goodness is difficult
indulgence leads to gratification, but then nothing lasts
so nothing matters
and nothing should matter
so lets fold our wings and go to sleep because nothing matters
why dream, why wish, why want anything
me says 15:49
yes, that is what death signifies, that is what Nirvana means
and when we accept the fact, we become free
why give, why take, why ask, why talk, why look, why feel
me says
but it happens after a lifetime of toil
what do you do in the interim
me says 15:50
true, all these are again fallacies that we indulge in for gratification
just carry on, oh hopeless mortal

me says
or take things in your own hand and let go
let go of life and all that you think is precious
because it won't last
there is nothing precious, that too is a fallacy a make believe
me says
yes very true
a desire a want a notion
just a notion
me says
there is nothing precious, we just believe something to be precious
we want to be significant, while in truth we are utterly insignificant
and to try and find significance in the insignificance is the make believe battle we fight
and with it a whole lot of other battles
all of equal or inequal significance or insignificance
me says 15:54
no this is the only battle, every thing falls under its domain
search for love, search for success, fight against loneliness
yes corollaries of the first one
me says 15:55
fight against poverty, corruption, fight for life
all these are fights to re-inforce significance of life
me says
fight to explain origin
fight to find purpose of life
to believe that we are alive and kicking
to tell ourselves we are not dead as yet
to cook, to eat, to bathe, to breathe
me says 15:56
we are alive and kicking, but it is insignificant
it doesn't matter
to celebrate to mourn, to weep
me says
we cook, eat, bath to make the insignificance easy
to live life, so that we don't suffer anymore than we are supposed to
to celebrate, to mourn and to weep is fallacy
we should celebrate at death and weep at a birth
mourn the birth for another battle has begun
celebrate the death, for there is peace at last
I wonder if that is eternal peace though
shit a thought crossed my mind
me says
eternal peace is achievable, but difficult
will talk about it later
me says
that is the only truth one shall seek
what was the thought ?
just end it all, now
i dont see much point to all this in any case
me says
have been wanting to do it for quite sometime now
true there is no point what so ever
only point is if we were to search for the only truth
one that will set the karmic cycle free
the truth that will make us finally rest in eternal peace
~asto' ma sat gamaya

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