Friday, January 18, 2019

Deliverance be mine

gaping hole in the soul
discovered by fate
gnawing at his core
his incapability he knows
karma unfolding he understands
yearning he can't control

each day sobers his want
progression for peace
to be undone once more
for he is not worthy
of the gift he seeks
judgment bemoans

finality of binding causation
banality of his damnation
challenged to rise
bound down by chains
he bows to the destiny
"deliverance be mine"

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Some days, music is your savior. Who says magic is dead J
My playlist today started as such

Yes, Wonderwall

High and Low J

The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness

Yes, something to believe in

And finally

sometimes, if you really do listen,
magic speaks to you