Friday, December 23, 2005


I am blank
have been this way for some time now, first there were these bouts of blankness, then things got better and I was shrouded by gloom for more time than I would care to spend brooding. So now I was completely surrounded by gloom till gloom overtook me and made me so miserable that I gave up gloom. But a strange thing happened after giving up gloom. I turned blank. I don't find any rhyme or reason to respond to anything. I want to be left alone to fend for myself, or maybe I can do with a cook, housekeeping and an assistant, who is on my beck and call.(Will prefer if it was a female, and a buxom one at that)
And I will live life comfortably never interacting with another human again.

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
~R. D. Laing

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