Friday, June 25, 2004

Blind Pilot

Blind Pilot

All passengers were in the gate area waiting for an Air Jamaica

flight to depart.

Suddenly the Co-pilot arrived, impeccably dressed in his uniform,

wearing dark glasses and with a white cane finding his way to the

gate. The airline flight attendant explained to the passengers, that

although he is blind, he is the best co-pilot in the company.

Later, the Pilot arrived, also impeccably dressed in his uniform,

dark glasses and a white cane, and he is being assisted by two flight

attendants. The representative in charge at the waiting area assured

all passengers that although the Pilot is blind, he is the best pilot

in the company, and together with the Co-pilot, they make the best

experienced team in the cockpit.

With everyone on board, the plane start speeding on the runway,

increasing the speed more and more. The passengers are terrorized by

now. The plane keeps increasing the speed but does not take off; it

continues the run but stays on the ground. The end of the runway gets

closer and closer, and in an explosion of general hysteria the

passengers start screaming as if they are possessed.

At that very moment the plane miraculously lifted off. The Pilot

calmly turns to the Co-pilot" and said: Any day di passenger dem no

scream....wi salt!!!

Translation: "Any day the passengers do not scream ...we are


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