Friday, November 30, 2012

Everything seems fake
each day a new low
don't know if I am riding a wave
or it is a crest I have fallen into
questions that need answers
questions that don't have answers
answers that make me squirm
answers I am not sure of
and while this happens
i sink into a new abyss
light is rushing away
darkness engulfs
It is cold too
and my body feels broken
No soul left in me
no warmth to give any more

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

The pain
is tempting
Too tempting
to let it absorb me
Submerged, so I can let go
But the pain is cold
Colder than life
It bites but doesn't devour
And life
It just waits
Waits for me to figure out
If it is still worth it
Or not.