Thursday, May 10, 2007

Radio blares incoherent songs
people speak excitedly about music
billboards advertise wares
there are outlets everywhere
the lights are bright and night still young
and the road never ends
there is a girl in silhouette
a woman with torn clothes
waiting for traffic to stop
waiting so that she can beg
children carry smaller children
all scamper to the cars
ask for mercy and alms
unrelenting we sit and ignore
this is an industry now a days
my friend explains
people living on street?
cannot be an industry i muse
but am as big a hypocrite as them
so do nothing to appease myself
Far away somewhere, someone waits for me
I don't know where home is
I am lost in this neverland
I wish i had wings to soar
to go up and see the beacon of love
but i feel too tired to even budge
and i let the loud noises play
for the benefit of all around
so that we can all drown
and become one with noise
death before death
Death each day we live

Allure of solitude lies in it being perennial

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