Friday, February 4, 2005

the problem I have

There is nothing much to do so I am doing what i like to do the most.
I am contemplating.
I think of all the time that I have spent so far in my life, doing
nothing worthwhile. It is not because I don't want to work, but
because I don't see any meaning in it. It is as if I am trying to go
against the nature or god or something, if I want to achieve
We as Humans have been designed to do what any life form with a short
life span won't do. We as humans try to downplay the fact that we are
very fragile, the ecosystem that we dwell in is very fragile. One very
small catastrophe on a galactic scale can wipe us out of extinction,
and instead of strengthening ourselves and ensuring that human beings
leave there mark on the Universe, we are too busy figuring out the
hierarchy in which humans should fit on earth.

And I don't see myself making any difference in the way we are, no
matter how hard I try. So I essentially give up and don't want to do

There are things known and things unknown
And in between lie the DOORS

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