Sunday, December 27, 2020

reminiscing  comes easy these days

not that life was a bouquet of roses

small islands of happiness exist though

and in these I like to dwell at times

no substitute for touch though

or the glee of true human presence

hope allures as I indulge in reverie

imagining things to come

have come to pass

Thursday, December 24, 2020

All the times

That feeling of inadequacy

the way it gnaws at one

no one to rescue

stuck in eternal loop

self damnation

collosal regret

for not being who I am not

handicap of unrequited desires

unfulfilled prophecies

like being stuck in quick sand

only way appears to be down

I wish I could be what I wanted

all the times

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

so it goes on

all that has been 

all that that was not

all that could have been

and all that I want

no end to asks of heart

and so it goes on

Sunday, September 20, 2020


all the bindings

threads that pull at you, how deep you feel

detached, dissociative experiences  

how you reconcile with reality as you see it

I stick around and hope to alleviate pain

chasing me own quest of being whole

discerning how I have to find it within


“The sages answered with a story still told after thousands of years. Imagine, they said, a man dreaming that he is being attacked by a tiger. His pulse will race, his fists will clench, his forehead will be wet with the dew of fear – all just as if the attack were real. He will be able to describe the look of his tiger, the way he smelled, the sound of his roar. For him the tiger is real, and in a sense he is not wrong: the evidence he has is not qualitatively different from the kind of evidence we trust when we are awake. People have even died from the physiological effects of a potent dream. Only when we wake up can we realize that our dream-sensations, though real to our nervous system, are a lower level of reality than the waking state.

The sages called the dream of waking life – the dream of separate, merely physical existence – by a suggestive name, maya.

Easwaran Ed., Eknath. The Bhagavad Gita”

Think of it this way, there is one eternal truth or universe or energy-space or Brahaman. The day to day reality we see and believe in  is manifestation of this Brahaman through the filters of our mind. Just like when you see with naked eye, you see a metal table, but if you look close enough with an electron microscope, you see atoms and molecules, with vast spaces between them. What appears whole and tangible, is not whole and tangible, it is a collection of discontinuous specs of matter, which in themselves are just energy trapped in form of matter.

So in a sense, we are all in a dream state of this life. What we consider real, for example, our body, our ego, our prestige, our honor, are all artificial constructs borne out of the very nature of this illusion. This illusion is Maya. 

We love Maya, we are attached to it, we think it is all there is and we do everything to get totally immersed in it and live our fleeting lives in its consumption. 

As per Geeta, one who can be immersed in Maya, yet knows the reality, one who does his/her karma, playing the role one has in this Mayajal, yet remains detached from Maya, she/he is the one who truly lives a good life.

Friday, January 10, 2020


How does one state
What is means to miss living
To know it and to put it to rest
And wait to be alive furthermore

inexplicable solitude
In midst of crowd and those hailed dear
Seeking one meaningful connect
To behold this existence and accept

To know the elixir of life
One drop, one oasis at a time
Visions for a demented soul
Voyaging through desert of life

They know to be whole
Know the missing bits of their soul
Perceptible yet out of reach
Purgatory is where they dwell