Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It pains to see another one fall
it pains to see them bow down
It doesn't hurt much though
in time pain will be gone too
and I will watch detached
the cut down trunks
the uprooted remains
the wilted blossoms

Each time I see another fall
willed, I become all the more 
I will survive.
I will survive

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dream on

Some dreams unleash fury
giving life to ghosts
egging them on to haunt
some dreams are just dead
no ghosts can be roused here
they are buried and shall remain so
some dreams give hope
elusive, gentle, hope
no guarantees for hope
all dreams are yearnings though
remembrances of soul

and no, day dreams don't qualify

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Amazing shades of green

Came across this green barked tree. Pretty captive photo.